Try these handy financial calculators to provide insight into your financial questions. Feel free to call us to discuss your situation.

Retirement and Planning Tools

Personal Finance
- Credit Assessment
- Home Budget Analysis (graphical)
- Home Budget Analysis (personalized)
- Credit Card Optimizer
- Student Budget
- Credit Card Payoff
- Comprehensive Life Insurance Needs
- Student Loan Consolidation and Payoff
- Net Worth (graphical)
- Net Worth (personalized)

Savings and Investments

Home Ownership
- ARM versus Fixed Rate Mortgage
- Maximum Mortgage (graphical)
- Maximum Mortgage (personalized)
- Mortgage Qualifier
- Mortgage Loan Calculator (PITI) (graphical)
- Mortgage Loan Calculator (PITI) (personalized)
- Mortgage Comparison: 15 vs. 30 years
- Refinance Breakeven (graphical)
- Refinance Breakeven (personalized)
- Adjustable Rate Mortgage Calculator
- Rent versus Buy

Loan Calculators
- Amortizing Loan Calculator (graphical)
- Amortizing Loan Calculator (personalized)
- Loan Comparison Calculator
- Loan Prequalification Calculator

Vehicle Financing
- Auto Rebate OR Low Interest Financing
- Auto Lease versus Buy (graphical)
- Auto Lease versus Buy (personalized)
- Auto Loans
- Home Equity versus Auto Loan